
Abell 48

Sharpless 2-71,     PK 036-01.1, PN G 035.9-01.1
RA 19,02.0   DEC +02,09   MAG 12.3   SIZE 124”x75”

discovered by Steward Sharpless in 1959.

Sharpless 2 71.jpgnegklein

NGC 6741
RA 19,02.6   DEC –0027   MAG 11.4   SIZE 9”x7”
Discovered by Edward Pickering on August 19, 1882

NGC 6741.jpgneg klein

NGC 6751
RA 19,05.9   DEC –06,00   MAG 11.5   SIZE 21”
iscovered by Albert Marth on July 20, 1863 
Identified as a PN by Williamina Fleming in 1907.

NGC 6751 neg

Abell 55
RA 19,10.5   DEC –02,21   MAG 13.2   SIZE 47”x32”

Discovered by George Abell in 1955

Abell 56

NGC 6772
RA 19,14.6   DEC –02,42   MAG 12.6   SIZE 70”x56”

discovered by William Herschel on July 21, 1784.

NGC 6772 neg

NGC 6778
RA 19,18.4   DEC –01,36   MAG 12.1   SIZE 25”x19”

Discovered by Albert Marth on June 24, 1863 and identified as a PN by Edward Pickering in 1882.

NGC 6778 klein

NGC 6781
RA 19,18.5   DEC +06,32   MAG 11.6   SIZE 111”x109”
Discovered by William Herschel on July 30, 1788 and identified as a PN by John Herschel in 1830.

NGC 6781 komb neg

NGC 6790
RA 19,22.9   DEC +01,31   MAG 10.7   SIZE 10”x5”
discovered by Edward Pickering on July 16, 1882

NGC 6790neg

Peimbart Batiz 9, PK 046-03.1, PN G 046.3-03.1
RA 19,27.7   DEC +10,24   MAG 14.8   SIZE 12”

Discovered by Manuel Peimbert and G. Batiz in 1960

Hartl-Dengl-Weinberger 11

NGC 6804
RA 19,31.6   DEC +09,14   MAG 12.2   SIZE 62”x49”

Discovered by William Herschel on August 25, 1791 and identified as a PN by Francis Pease in 1917

NGC 6804 neg klein

NGC 6807
RA 19,34.6   DEC +05,41   MAG 12.2 SIZE 2”
discovered by Edward Pickering on September 4, 1882

Merill 1-1, PK 052-02.2, PN G 052.5-02.9
RA 19,39.2   DEC +15,57   MAG 12.1   SIZE 3”
Discovered by Paul Merrill in 1942.

NGC 6852

RA 20,00.7   DEC +01,44   MAG 12.9   SIZE 28”

Discovered by Albert Marth on June 24, 1863 and identified as a PN by Lubos Kohoutek in 1963

NGC 6852neg700p

Abell 70 "Diamantring"

RA 20,31.6   DEC –07,05   MAG 14.7   SIZE 45”x40”

discovered by George Abell in 1955

 Abell 70.jpgneg klein


NGC 6891

RA 20,15.1   DEC +12,42   MAG 10.4   SIZE 15”

discovered by Ralph Copeland on September 22, 1884

NGC 6891 negklein2

NGC 6905

 RA 20,22.4   DEC +20,06   MAG 10.9   SIZE 47”x37”
discovered by William Herschel on September 16, 1784

NGC 6905 neg

Abell 72
RA 20,50.0   DEC 13,33   MAG 12.7   SIZE 134”x121”
Discovered by George Abell in 1955


NGC 6543 "Cateyenebula"
RA 17,58.6   DEC +66,38   MAG 8.1   SIZE 22”x18”
Discovered by William Herschel on February 15, 1786

NGC 6543 neg

Kohoutek 1-16

NGC 6742

RA 18,59.3   DEC +48,28   MAG 13.4   SIZE 31”x30”

Discovered by William Herschel on July 8, 1788 and identified as a PN by George Abell in 1955

 NGC 6742 700pneg


IC 5217

RA 22,23.9   DEC +50,58   MAG 11.3   SIZE 8”x6”

Discovered by Williamina Fleming in 1904

IC 5217.jpgJPSneg

Merill 2-2, PK 100-08.1, PN G 100.0-08.7

RA 15,2.3   DEC –23,38   MAG 11.6   SIZE 6”

discovered by Paul Merrill in 1942

 Merill 2 2JPSneg

Minkowski 2-53, PK 104-01.1, PN G 104.4-01.6

Min 2 53JPSneg

Abell 80


Abell 57

Kohoutek 3-34

Heinze 2-437

Minkowski 1-71,  PK 055-00.1, PN G 055.5-00.5

RA 19,36.4   DEC +19,42   MAG 14.0   SIZE 5”x3”

Discovered by Rudolph Minkowski in 1946

Minkowski  2-48

NGC 6842

RA 19,55.0   DEC +29,17   MAG 13.5   SIZE 57”
Discovered by Albert Marth on June 27,1864 and identified as a PN by Heber Curtis in 1919

 NGC 6842 nbneg

Abell 68

Heinze 1-6

Abell 74

 M 27

RA 19,59.6   DEC +22,43   MAG 7.1   SIZE 480”x340”

Discovered by Charles Messier on July 12, 1764 and identified as a PN by William Huggins in 1864

M 27 BH komb neg


NGC 7076
RA 21,26.4   DEC +62,53   MAG 14.5   SIZE 67”x47”

discovered by William Herschel on October 15, 1794 and identified as a PN by George Abell in 1964

Preite Martinez 1-333, PN G100.4 04.6PN G100.4 04.6

NGC 7139

RA 21,46.1   DEC +63,48   MAG 13.4   SIZE 86”x70”
discovered by William Herschel on November 5, 1787 and identified as a PN by Heber Curtis in 1918

NGC 7139neg700pgimp

NGC 7354

RA 22,40.3   DEC +61,17   MAG 12.2   SIZE 28”x20”

discovered by William Herschel on November 3, 1787 and identified as a PN by Lord Rosse in 1862

NGC 7354neg700pgimp

IC 1454    PK117+18.1, Abell 81

Abell 86

Abell 1

NGC 40 "Scarabäusnebula"
RA 00,13.0   DEC +72,31   MAG 10.6   SIZE 38”x35”

discovered by William Herschel on November 25, 1788

 NGC 40neg


Minkowski 1-64, PK 064+15.1, PN G 064.9+15.5

RA 18,50.0   DEC +35,15   MAG 12.9   SIZE 17”

discovered by Rudolph Minkowski in 1946

Min 1 64neg

Messier 57 "Ringnebula"
RA 18,53.6   DEC +33,02   MAG 8.8   SIZE 86”x63”
Discovered by Antoine Daquier in January 1779

M 57 ZS neg

NGC 6765
RA 19,11.1   DEC -30,33   MAG 13.1   SIZE 38”

discovered by Albert Marth on June 27, 1864 and identified as a PN by Rudolph Minkowski in 1946

NGC 6765 neg


Kohoutek 3-27

 Kohoutek 3 27neg


Kohoutek 4-10, PK 052+07.1, PN G 052.2+07.6
RA 18,59.1   DEC +20,37   MAG 13.6   SIZE 4”

discovered by Lubos Kohoutek in 1964

Kohoutek 1-17

Abell 63

Weinberger Sabaddin 5

Heinze 1-5

NGC 6886
RA 20,12.7   DEC +19,59   MAG 11.4   SIZE 9”

Discovered by Ralph Copeland on September 17/ 1884


Minkowski 3-55

Perek 1-16

Abell 49

Vyssotsky 1-4, PK 027-03.2, PN G 027.4-03.5
RA 18,54.0   DEC –06,26   MAG 13.6   SIZE 15”
Discovered by Alexander Vyssotsky in 1942

IC 1295

RA 18,54.6   DEC –08,50   MAG 12.5   SIZE 102”x87”

discovered by Truman Safford and identified as a PN by Heber Curtis in 1919


Perek 1-16

Perek 1 16neg


NGC 6445 "Crescentnebula"
RA 17,49.3   DEC –20,01   MAG 10.9   SIZE 38”x29

Discovered by William Herschel on May 28, 1786 and identified as a PN by Edward Pickering in 1882

 NGC 6445.negjpg

IC 4673

RA 18,03.3   DEC –27,06   MAG 13.0   SIZE 16”

discovered by Edward Barnard in 1895

NGC 6537

NGC 6537neg 

NGC 6563

NGC 6563negklein

NGC 6565
RA 18,11.9   DEC –28,11   MAG 11.4   SIZE 10”x8”
Discovered by Edward Pickering on July 14, 1880

NGC 6565neg

NGC 6567
RA 18,13.8   DEC –19,05   MAG 10.9   SIZE 11”x7”
Discovered by Edward Pickering on 18 August, 1882

NGC 6578
RA 18,16.3   DEC –20,27   MAG 12.6   SIZE 13”x10”
Discovered by Edward Pickering on 18 August, 1882

NGC 6629

NGC 6629kleinneg

Abell 44

Gillet Jacoby Joyce Cohen 1

Minkowski 3-31
RA 18,48.2   DEC –25,29   MAG 13.5   SIZE 6”x4”
Discovered by Rudolph Minkowski in 1948

Abell 51   PK 017-10.1

Dengel-Hartl 3

NGC 6818  "Kleiner Edelstein"
RA 19,44.0   DEC –14,09   MAG 9.4   SIZE 22”x15”
Discovered by William Herschel on August 8, 1787

Abell 65
RA 19,46.6   DEC –23,08   MAG 13.8   SIZE 134”x34”
discovered by George Abell in 1964

Abell 66


Hartl-Dengel- Weinberger 12


Abell 61

"Cambells Hydrogen Star (Bonner Durchmusterung +30 3639)

RA 19,34.8   DEC +30,31   MAG 11.4   SIZE 13”x10”

Discovered by Williamina Fleming on June 25, 1890 and identified as a PN by William Campbell in 1893

Minkowski 1-92 "Footprintnebula"   IRAS 19343+2926

 Min 1 92 700pneg

Kronberger 15

NGC 6826 "Blinking Planetary"
RA 19,44.8   DEC +50,32   MAG 8.9   SIZE 128”
discovered by William Herschel on 6 Sept, 1793

NGC 6826 neg

NGC 6833
RA 19,49.8   DEC +48,58   MAG 12.1   SIZE 2”
discovered by Edward Pickering in 1883

Kohoutek 4.41

Heinze 1-4

Neckel-Vehrenberg 2

Kohoutek 3-73

Minkowski 4-17

Min 4 17neg

Weinberger 1-9

NGC 6881

RA 20,10.9   DEC +37,25   MAG 13.6   SIZE 3”

Discovered by Edward Pickering on November 25, 1881

NGC 6884
RA 20,10.4   DEC +46,28   MAG 11.0   SIZE 6”x5”
discovered by Ralph Copeland on 20 September , 1884

NGC 6884 neg

NGC 6894

A 20,16.4   DEC +30,34   MAG 12.5   SIZE 44”

Discovered by William Herschel on July 17, 1784

NGC 6894.jpgneg


Motch Werner Pakull 1

Sherwood 1

NGC 7008 "Fötusnebula"

RA 21,00.5   DEC +54,33   MAG 11.0   SIZE 98”x75”
Discovered by William Herschel on October 14, 1787 and identified as a PN by Francis Pease in 1917

NGC 7008 neg

NGC 7008negklein

CRL 2688 "Egg Nebula"

NGC 7026 "Cheeseburgernebula"

RA 21,06.3   DEC +47,51   MAG 10.9   SIZE 29”x13”
Discovered by Sherburne Burnham on July 6, 1873 and identified as a PN by Ralph Copeland in 1880

NGC 7026 neg

NGC 7027 Magic Carpet Nebula"
RA 21,07.0   DEC +42,14   MAG 8.5   SIZE 18”x11” discovered by Edouard Stephan in 1878 and identified as a PN by Thomas Webb on November 14, 1879
discovered by Edouard Stephan in 1878 and identified as a PN by Thomas Webb on November 14, 1879

NGC 7027 neg

Sharpless 1-89

NGC 7048

RA 21,14.3   DEC +46,17   MAG 12.1   SIZE 62”x60”

Discovered by Edouard Stephan in 1878 and identified as a PN by Heber Curtis in 1919

NGC 7048 neg

Kohoutek 3-82

IC 5117

RA 21,32.5   DEC +44,36   MAG 11.5   SIZE 2”
Discovered by Williamina Fleming in 1905
Humason 1-2 " Little Dumbellnebula"

Abell 78

Minkowski 1-79

RA 21,37.0   DEC +48,56   MAG 13.3   SIZE 39”x27”

Discovered by Rudolph Minkowski in 1946

 Min 1 79neg

Min 1 79NBneg
Nachbeobachtung von Min 1-79

Minkowski 2-50

RA 21,57.7   DEC +51,42   MAG 14.5   SIZE 5”x3”

Discovered by Rudolph Minkowski in 1947


ESO 515 PN 16

Abell 38